Sunday, December 6, 2009

there's no place like home

i realize that i made this profile like a month ago and have not written anything. but since i am no longer right next to the peole that i talk to, i figured that i might as well put something up here.

i have, in the last week, been removed from my comfort zone. i was transfered from my home store and the family of baristas and customers that i love to another planet. this new store is just not for me. i will stay there as long as i am asked, but have made it very clear to the powers that be that i don't like it. most of the baristas at this new store are rude to each other and the customers, just kinda half do what they are suppossed to, and don't realy pay that much attention to what their management team tells them to do.

speaking of their managment team, they don't do half of what they are suppossed to do either. they boss their manager around and SHE DOES WHAT THEY TELL HER TO DO!!! what kind of boss does that? their cash management is all wrong and they don't flow well because it seems like deployment is nonexistant at this store. i am almost embarrassed to call myself a part of that team. i would realy like to know how that store consistantly gets the highest customer voice scores in the area!

anyway, i feel like i am lost in a place and i don't know where i am or how to speak the language, and i can't find my way out. i miss all the REAL people in athens. i called the boss man and asked him if i could come home now and he just said to give it some time. i don't realy want to give it some time, because things, in all likelyhood, will get worse with time. i just want to be in a place where i don't feel like i will be pulled down with mess when it all hits the fan. in the words of judy garland, "there's no place like home".


  1. We all miss you!! And yeah their deployment is horrible. I can't handle that. If there is one thing Willie has done right, it's deployment. I don't really know many people over there but the few times I've worked there it's seemed very unorganized. Not that Athens is great about that but we all flow well for the most part and have awesome customers. George told me the other day that you are one of his favorites. He whispered it to me like it was a big secret lol. And you know the guy that use to get two pounds of French roast and now he gets Italian? His name is George too btw. But anyways did you know the lady that comes through the drive-thru every morning with her young son and daughter that LOVE James is his daughter-in-law? I can't remember her drink... but I'm sure you know who I mean. Friday night was the first time I actually had a real conversation with him. He's pretty cool. I'm rambling because this is all stuff I would normally tell you while were double barring during the morning rush in between singing Kings of Leon and Mamas and the Papas songs quite loudly while getting strange looks from customers that just don't understand. AND I would tell you how that really hot customer came in Friday and talked to me for a minute. He makes me smile. :) I don't know where mister curly hair grande coffee with one refill has been lately... I miss him...

  2. He came in yesterday :) I'm going to keep commenting on here until you write back!

  3. I finally got around to listening to that Avett Brothers c.d. Oh... my... God...

  4. thanks for the story lol and yes the avett brothers are freaking amazing. so when you say george do you mean venti decaf double cupped no room george? i didn't realize that he liked me at all. that's realy sweet of him to say tho

  5. Yep that's the one. Yeah it's hard to tell with him cause he doesn't treat any of us differently. Except for that time he yelled at Wilbur and called him an asshole. But other than that, it's hard to tell.

  6. yea. willie can be an asshole sometime tho. lol i ove the man but he can be an asshole

  7. I couldn't agree more. Love him and hate him at the same time.
